I have lived at Town and Country for 5 years. When I signed on, the leasing staff were AMAZING and slowly but surely, they dwindled away. Now, the management sucks. Office staff are rude and do a poor job of explaining why each person tells you something different. Packages are constantly misplaced and no apology is ever offered. Maintenance guys are all T&C have to offer. Space is nice but your apartment will be cold af in the winter, your AC will go out once every few weeks, and your electric bill will be high even when you leave everything off while you leave the town for a month. The outside is kept pretty clean but the parking lot will have you replacing tires often. Gym...meh, it has 2 working machines..beats none. My shoes have been stolen from outside my door once but my place has always been pretty safe. Walls are thin, water pressure is amazing, kitchen is wonderful, and I love the amount of space...again. I've never had a fire extinguisher tho..now that I think about it. So no..dont lease here if you don't have to. Too pricey for the issues. Why 5 years? The location is perfect. I signed elsewhere for 2 and just paid the rent. Hope this helps.