Disgusting behavior, no morals. Rippoff artists. Do not give your money to these people. Sheep in wolves clothing.
I was quoted $1200 for $600 job to install a simple furnace control board (circuit board) which my technician friend told me cost $265 and which after getting the part number I found online for $180. My technician friend said it's a 2 hour job to install, at $125 and hour, so that's $250. Even if the part was $300 that totals to a maximum of $550. When I received the quote for $1200 in my email from Jobab the Alaskan Heating technician, I wrote the following email exactly word for word:
"That's pretty steep for a circuit board. My parents got the whole thing done for $650. How much is the part and how much are you charging for labor? Would you be able to show me a receipt for the part?"
No response ever came back to my email, but the technician sure did show up at my tenant's house to do the work. I found out just in time and needless to say I instructed my brother who was on site doing some minor repairs to prevent the technician from installing this $1200 dollar job.
According to Courtney (she answers the main phone), the manager of Alaskan Heating also refused to lower the price at all, even a little, let alone to an acceptable level. They tried to get me to pay $1200 for a $600 job and when I asked for a discount they had no interest in reducing the price or even talking to me after that.
Pathetic and sad, no scruples, no morals, trying to make $900 off a customer for a 90 minute circuit board installation! Disgusting! Give your money to a company who wont charge you double what the going rate is!!!