Stopped by here on our way to Cirque Du Soleil and ordered some latkes. They were OK, not exactly what I was expecting. Since when are latkes deep fried? I guess maybe I don't know what one is (since I always pan fry my latkes/potato pancakes, that's just how I roll). They weren't super greasy or anything, just not that great. Good with applesauce and decent with sour cream. This place is also a bit expensive. $12 for a plate of 3 latkes? Granted they were huge, but STILL, it's potatoes, a few onion bits & oil... How expensive can it really be? Ugh. Also, others at my table had food items that were way more costly than they should have been. Anyway, I don't really recommend this place. With all the other food options in Vegas, you can do WAY better for a cheaper price possibly.