Truly gorgeous space, but I couldn't help noting the hypocrisy of Vegas-ian excess amid such an austere, Tibetan aesthetic. And I was offended for Asian women everywhere by the "Always a happy ending" posters on every cab and billboard in town with a picture of an Asian girl's bum--reducing all Asian females to no more than massage parlor prostitutes. But this is Vegas, baby, and sexism, hypocrisy, and excess are part of the deal, so with VIP passes in hand, we decided to check it out.
Turns out the passes only work for women. Guys seriously pay to play in this town--$30 for the green-eyed boy later, we were in. I should note that we have been desperately searching for good house music options while we were here. We did hours of research, wondering why every club website lauded its "Mr. Top 40s DJ!" like that's a good thing... ? So, just as everywhere else we'd been in Vegas so far, we were wildly disappointed by the music. Not a single house beat in the Lounge or the main dance floor or the Beach area. The visuals were interesting certainly--two girls fake making out in a dungeon setting at the top of the stairs, the rose petal-boobied mermaids in the tubs everywhere--but the crowd and music were 100% generic.
If you are looking for house music, perhaps try Wednesday night and skip the weekends, but I heard from several locals that this club is on its way out. Maybe Tao-goers are finding enlightenment at the bottom of their lychee martinis: "Dude, I don't know how I feel about my Asian heritage being reduced to the lowest common denominator and sold at top dollar to the masses; what do you say we burn these striped shirts and go somewhere actually cool?"
"Yeah, no doubt. Wanna go to Playboy Bar?"