For those of you who had the 3 decompression group on deal this was my experience:
The front desk receptionist was very helpful with scheduling and in person. however I could not say the same for rest of the operation.
First it became very clear that the group on deal was essentially a bait and switch. The deal sounds great with THREE decompression sessions, x-ray, and some miscellaneous items. However majority of the time it turns into the monetary value of the group on deal.
Your first appointment will go like this: you meet with one of the doctors and he implies that decompression sessions are used only if the doctor himself and "other doctors" who review your x-ray says you need one. It says in the fine print that if the business finds a decompression is not needed the deal translates into monetary value, which was $40 for me very convenient as their adjustment is also $40, which I'll get to later.
I only wanted a simple adjustment for my neck which I wanted on the first appointment but he said that's not how they do things and won't do any treatment until next time. He took two x-rays and did some stimulation which I couldn't help but laugh that they would actually advertise this sort of thing. So I went a whole week and came back a second time just so I didn't waste my group on deal.
Second time was all sales pitch, he put my x-rays on screen and told me I had a forward head issue pointing out the poster they had right in front of me (I'm guessing everyone has this issue) and told me it would take 12 sessions for them to fix it. AS SOON AS I made it aware that I did not want to spend more money than I had on the group on deal he literally walked out and got one of his staff to come in and do his sales pitch. At least he knows how to be efficient and with his time to maximize profit.
Second guy came in and he was friendlier, basically said with 12 sessions you're looking at light therapy $20 and adjustment $40 per session, which totals to $720. They wanted to charge me $360 a month for light therapy which is basically working out on your own with a trainer telling you what do do, and adjustment which literally took 15 seconds that I paid $40 for with my group on deal. I will say that the adjustment gave me temporary relief for the day but it literally took 15 seconds which he could've just done on the first day like I asked for.
In all this business practice is indicative of a company who only wants to maximize profit by prolonging your stay as much as possible without any genuine concern for your well-being. Be wary and find another place.