I had my mother with leukemia, in the car with me, and we were leaving the hospital around the corner. She has been struggling with using her regular remote to watch TV, and I wanted the oversized one for her. As her only caretaker, I dont get out much, so I had to take advantage of being close to the store to pick one up. I was rather unhappy that they didnt stock one at this particular store, as I had called ahead, but they dont answer the phones much, so I couldnt find out. But after I left the store in a pissy mood about it, they knew I was driving to the san tan store to hope they had one, they called ahead to have them set one aside for me. I was in and out in under 1 minute. The gave it to me for free, and I was headed home with my mom and much relieved that she would be able to struggle less with at least that one aspect of life now. I just moved out here from CA to care for her in her struggle with cancer, and I can guarantee that no one in CA would have called ahead like that. The store personnel at the Chandler Cox Solutions turned a bad situation around for me that day, and for that, I'm grateful and appreciative. Hopefully they read this and know how their actions helped that day.