This actually wasn't on my list - I was going next door to get another awesome affrogato, but stopped to look at the menu cause I was curious, and they were excited to give out samples. Who am I to say no to samples, so I tried a couple interesting ones - a very flavorful nut milk with various spices, and an apple that's full of ginger. I love ginger, and it was super delicious, so then of course I had to buy one (samples: always a good idea. :))
Of course I'm in Vegas, so I also had to take them up on sprucing it up with booze, cause duh. Had it with brandy - apparently, off menu, they also make that one with bourbon, but I went with the original. Warning: it seriously does not taste remotely like it's spiked, it's so perfect a combo. Either that or they pocketed the money and didn't put any brandy in it - I wasn't actually watching - but I'm assured they did (quoth the employee when I expressed my surprise: "yeah, 3 of these and you'll be on the ground." I think he underestimated my capacity, but still. Very nicely done.)