DON'T GO HERE! They don't keep a clean shop but you won't know until it's too late. I went in needed to get a fill on my acrylics. I was hopeful this would be a new place for me closer to my home. I didn't leave when I have some feeling that something just wasn't right. now I have an infection under five of my nails. after 3 days the burning feeling on my nails have not gone away. now I have gone to the doctor with a pussy infection that required an antibiotic shot and a powerful prescription as well. I cannot tell you the pain upon the shame I felt allowing someone to give me an infection . if you have a feeling somethings not right get up and walk out. the employees were very nice however that does not make up for the possibility of MRSA . now I wait to see if this will go away or if it's something I have to live with.