Chris the manager is a huge dick! Not to be confused with the other chris, the bigger chris is awesome! Very helpful and customer oriented person. Chris the manager.... no idea how he got a job in customer service. He acted like a two year old who just got his candy taken away when I asked him to explain what work was done. While in his tantrum I smelled alcohol on his breathe and mentioned he smelled like booze. His response was "yeah I went out last night." This was during the week might I add... very displeased with the management here. I went back later and offered my hand to shake and try to smooth things over. He was still pumped up and didn't want to. We started arguing again and it got close to being physical.
It is months down the road now and my check engine light has come back on and the code is exactly the same as when I took it in... I paid $600 to get treated like a punk piece of shit basically. Only had problem with the tall skinny manager chris. Everyone else was pretty cool.