Well I don't know if the heats getting to folks today or not. I tried to ask a question about the Galaxy Edge & she proceeded to start ranting about her opinion on the phone. I told her I wasn't going that direction with my question. I then stated their select of cell phone cases wasn't all that great. She had no answer. I then stated the one on Decatur didn't have a great selection either. I then told her I have a reward zone card under my husband's cell phone. She typed it in, & for some reason it didn't work. She lightly argued about the number being wrong. I finally said to please try it a 2nd time. She actually said if it didn't work the first time it won't work this time either. I told her she should try it again as it may have been mistyped. She didn't like that....but she typed it in slower & wouldn't you know it worked. Then the Rewards program still doesn't have our address updated. She mentioned I should call the Rewards program. Told her I've called so many times & they can't seem to figure it out.
As I'm walking out, the guy saw me grab the receipt & he still stopped me. I told him "I just left the cashier! Am I not trusted? Is your cashier not trusted?" He somewhat rudely stated "it's not you". Do you know how generic of a line that is?
Wow! I've never had such a negative Best Buy visit... They should take a breather & try "customer service" once more.... just saying...