Nelson's review said it all, so I won't be getting into details about each courses. However, aside from all the courses being innovative, creative, and bursting with flavors, the various sakes that one can chose from, I have to also talk about the grapefruit sparkling soda. Wow, this homemade concoction compliments everything.
Who would have thought to use snow shavery to elevate the dish? So awesome that it is hard to put it into words so one must experience such. I am so glad that Earl and I was part of this pop-up lunch because I must say, this experience is one of a kind.
Thank you to the Yonaka team (Chefs, Jax, Tiffany, Fabulous Servers), Snow Shavery Experts (Michael and William), Christina and Nelson, for making this event happen.
Also, can't wait to devour the macarons (yes, I am eating Earl's portion as well).