Years ago, I was in this store before they moved. It was funky then and it hasn't changed a bit!
I could call this a major drag queen store but really it is more. If you are a man who likes to "dress", they will have your size. If you are a woman who wants to get something that clearly isn't typical, this is the place. Frills, feathers, sequins, wickedly high heels, they do have an assortment! I sincerely doubt there are any other places in Phoenix that would have the variety in Boom Boom LaRues. Great place to make your own Halloween costume, too. Mae West and Carol Channing would right in here!
They have a small men's section that is men's stuff. clothing and shoes, part club scene, butch looks, interesting underwear and more. They did have a sharp looking pair of men's casual shoes that would have been perfect for the Arizona Summer. Darn, they didn't have my size.
I heard the owner talking about parties and events they arrange out in the community. Want some different ideas for entertainments. Check with them.
I would never dress up in women's clothes, personally. I can't tell you if they are moderate or pricey. I would imagine they might be a more expensive. There is merchandise here I truly believe you aren't going to find many other places. Their men's stuff seemed reasonable enough.
Have an older person in your life. The poor thing can only have room for so many knick knacks. Go get her something really crazy here. She might like it!