This is a great distraction from the hustle and bustle of city life. Also it is just enough of wilderness to indulge in, but close enough to get back to your life if you need to run back to it.
It's awesome to be able to just sit along the waterfront and read a book, or even just to stare off into space as the hours run away from you. There are a ton of things you can do when you are down here. Go to a museum, check out the Block House, run the trails, ride a bike, eat at a cafe, lay on the lawn in the sun...the possibilities are endless here. And with the fountain's renovation complete, who could resist being hit by that mist as you bask in the sun?
Every time I am in the downtown area, I attempt to make it over here, even if it is to stand at the underpass and throw coins in the pond. It's quite relaxing and this park has some of the best views of the city.
How appropriate is it that I start out my Yelp Challenge with one of Pittsburgh's outdoor venue (zoo) and end it with another outdoor venue, and one as amazing as this place.