Do not waste your money using these people. My wife has catered to them for several years, which I deeply regret. I am a professional, and wear dress shirts and pants to work everyday. Consequently, I need my shirts washed, pressed and starched.
Legend Cleaners has done a totally unsatisfactory job for a very long time (years) and I finally decided to change to another company. Why? For several reasons. The shirt collars are never, ever ironed correctly. The collars in dress shirts have to be folded correctly across the seam line in order to wear a tie. If the collar is not ironed properly, the tie will show on the back when one wears the shirt. Because Legend presses the collars without folding them properly, my wife has had to re-press the collars every time we pick up shirts from this business.
That is totally unacceptable. We brought this up with the clerk at the store numerous times and she basically said that 'Yes, they do that sometimes where we send the shirts.' Then she shrugged her shoulders. No apology, no explanation provided. No satisfaction, and the shirt collars continue showing up incorrectly pressed. We pay Legend Cleaners to process my shirts, not some other outsorced, undisclosed business that they obviously use in order to keep their cost down.
If that were not enough, every single time we drop off shirts at Legend to clean, they return them with either a broken or a missing button. Absolutely ridiculous. When we confronted the store clerk with this, she said, 'Yes, they do that sometimes where we send the shirts because they use a machine to press.' No apology, no explanation provided. No satisfaction, and the shirts continue showing up EVERY SINGLE time with broken and missing buttons. The clerk did offer once, to bring the shirts and they would sew the buttons back. Since this is a consistent problem, the proposed solution is laughable. Sure, every single time we pick up shirts we'll get in the car again to drive them there again so they can sew the buttons. Again. Ridiculous.
Not enough yet? Every time we drop off a batch of shirts, we request heavy starch. Each time we pick up the shirts we find a veritable smorgasbord of starch levels. Some of the shirts have NO starch, others have light starch, and sometimes a couple may even have heavy starch. When we brought this up with the clerk at the store, she basically explained that their computer 'Defaults to one type of starch.' What exactly does that mean? And it can't be set straight with a few keystrokes?
One may ask, why did we continue using them? The reason is because we believe in helping local merchants. Consequently, and because of their horrible service, we will never use those folks again, and we certainly would not recommend them to anybody. On the contrary, we will speak up against using them.