I am beginning to understand better some of the reviews that are on Yelp regarding this property. Fortunately, I have never lived here, but my only daughter does. This has been her first experience living out of state and on her own. I know this isn't just an issue with office staff that work here, but an issue at many places. When a young adult has an issue (crisis moment in [their] mind) with this property, office staff shouldn't portray that they don't care [sigh] or there is nothing they can do. Being on your own for the first time is scary and the office staff at this property should understand this! Also, when there is an issue and property management states there is nothing they can do, (even-though my research states otherwise), that to me just seems like laziness. Whatever happened to good old fashion customer service - no matter your age, status or ethnicity? While I am writing this, an office lady from this property stated property management would call me back in approximately 30 minutes. It has been 2 1/2 hours and no return phone call. When a young adult has a job and is taking classes, the last thing they should need to worry about is the place they call home not 'welcoming' her home! Waiting for the day that I can move her out of this place. A 1-year lease was a bad idea when you no nothing about the state and the complex you are moving into. Thanks for reading! Sincerely, Sad and frustrated Dad!