Don't waste your money.
This company knows how to make a profit:
* Put out no information to the public about what to expect except that kids are free. The disappointment comes after committing the $$.
* Charge $20 for each adult which they wont discover until they're paying at the box office. Not even a sign above the window advertising the rates.
* Charge $5 parking even though it's an open area and usually easy to park.
* Constantly plug very cheap but expensive to buy, swords, balloons, inflatables, coloring books, concessions, clown noses, etc., etc. , etc.
* Don't climate control the tent. Even a $10 fan means $10 less profit.
* Basic folding chairs on level ground. Don't care that it's hard to see over people in front, especially for kids.
* Family photos! buy a basic digital camera, take pictures of everyone. $$ from souvenir circus photos.
* No animals! People might think circus = elephants, tigers, etc. Nope, only humans. (someone saw a mini horse? did you have to pay extra for that?)
* Send "acrobats" to a basic trapeze course, have them perform that.
* "Clowns" are just some guys with make-up who blow whistles constantly (am I at a tequila bar?)
* Cheap costumes, cheap acts. Pretty sure the employees aren't making a living wage.
The only bright spots were that my 5 y.o. son actually seemed to enjoy it and that we get to make fun of it now.