Flew in from San Diego to see Bjork here. Chose the Pearl over her Los Angeles show on the theory that it would be a smaller, more intimate venue. Had great seats- second row right above the "pit" area. Everything was super professional and antispetic. Opening band went on at 8 PM on the dot, Bjork took the stage at 9:20 PM, show over by 11 PM. Sound was great, no complaints there.
Staff was a little bit aggro with the no pictures policy. We snuck our camera inside and discretly snapped pics until the encore, when wife started snapping away. She was accosted during the encore by security- I mean, the show was over. So that was a minus, as was the generally bougy feel of the crowd. Maybe that's just a a vegas thing.
Strangely enough, the Pearl is the only place I've ever been to in Vegas where smoking isn't allowed.