We go here every time we're vacationing in the area. Why?
The coffee is punch a stranger in the spine good.
I bring an extra large carry-on bag to fill with pounds of coffee beans from the BrĂ»lerie and then I give them to people back home as gifts and then they love me forever (because, duh, see previous comment in re: goodness level of coffee). The Obama blend is fantastic, and, hey, adorable, come on. This was the first time I'd noticed that particular gem. Our go-to has been ForĂȘt Noire for a few years, but they always seem to have something exciting and new happening and the people who work here will hook your shit UP even if you have no idea what you want and you barely speak French and are staring blankly at their dauntingly massive list of blends and roasts and stuff.
The cafe/food part is awesome as well. This is a great place to go if your mom, for example, needs to consume giant, chocolate curl-ensconced, cinnamon-dusted, whipped cream-choked desserts masquerading as "coffee drinks." I usually wind up having the same sandwich here and I forget what it's called but I'm pretty sure anything you eat here will be sprinkled with magical Canadian deliciousness and wonder.
Also, if you're an Anglo, the incredibly sweet and friendly staff will very patiently put up with your rusty, sputtering French, and even help you out when you desperately need to know comment dit-on "MORE WHIPPED CREAM."
Lovely. Love them.