pros... just the best car rental center i have ever been to. sounds funny but this can make or break your vacation. think about it, this is the first real important thing you do after getting your luggage from the carousel, right?
the center was clean, and most importantly out in vegas, was this place was air conditioned. the shuttles were also clean and the drivers friendly and helpful. don't forget to tip them either when they help you with your bag(s). there is even a little kiosk which sells all sorts of snacks, water, sandwiches, ice cream and other edible items.
we got to the rental place in no time flat, about 10 minutes ride away. we walked in and was greeted with a cool, well thought out space. the rental agencies were clearly marked and in about 15-20 minutes we were in the car and driving off to vegas. the lot was big and though not air conditioned, was at least shaded, but then in vegas it can be 100 degrees in the shade.
on the return trip, it's just as easy and well thought out. you drive your rental back to the center, and you find the right agency and then you just drive the car in and they scan your paperwork, and then scan the rental, and you are done. nothing else but to get out of the rental, collect your stuff and walk inside the a/c terminal and wait the 5 minutes for the shuttle to take you back to the airport!
cons... wish this design, concept, would spread to all airports.