Phoenix parks maintenance: Do you even go to a dog park in your lifetime? More than one trashcan is needed. How come Washington Park ( smaller,) gets 3 cans and Indian School ( larger) gets one in the small dog park? Can you please, please Clean up the entry way...Hose it down with something strong and disease and bacteria killing like bleach. Actually get off the golf cart and scrub the entryway with a scrub brush. And Lysol the gate handles.
Phx Parks: Encourage patrons to pick up the raw sewage their very own Buffy is leaving behind, because each turd could have leptospirosis, ecoli, and a host of other organisms I don't want going home with me on the bottom of my shoe. Try educational signage to start.
Phx pet owners: I'm not your poop fairy. If your dog poops, please scoop. Yeah, I'll call you out on it, so you better bring grocery sacks. Be prepared. It's your dog. It's not a POOP park. Be courteous. I don't know but how about leaving the park nicer than you found it.
And smile. Be nice.