We're loosing our love of typed set pages bound between two hard covers, beautifully illustrated art work, and words that can take our imagination on a journey.
It's so simple now to log on, or pull up the latest novel using the latest electronic gadget to read a book. The Kindle, e-books, etc... are becoming so popular, I am afraid of loosing our book stores. Since I was a child, and my local library had a contest during the summer for reading the most books, I have loved the written word. Books of all kinds, from fiction, to travel, to biographies. I love fix it books, and how to books, and most of all craft books. I just love the feel of a book! ( I usu sally won those reading contest).
I love Barnes & Noble Books and I often go and spend a quite evening with my husband, sipping on some tea, leafing through a book. He's there, there's soft music playing over head, and when I look around the room, I see others enjoying books too!