I caught Carrot Top last year when I got tickets from a client. Not necessarily my pick, but I remembered seeing him on TV and thought it could be a good time.
I absolutely agree with Jason L about the vibe. If the audience is into it, Carrot Top totally feeds off of it and brings the level of the show up a notch. My audience wasn't quite sure what to make of him at the beginning, and it was like he was pulling teeth to get a laugh out of the crowd. But once people started loosening up a little, the laughs started to flow and he really got into it.
I'll admit that I didn't have too many belly laughs during the show. Perhaps not quite my style of humor. But I definitely did a lot of chuckling and grinning. CT still has a lot of great prop humor and his look and energy are half the fun of the show.
RECOMMENDATION: Grab a few drinks at the bar before the show to loosen up. The potty humor and crass jokes only get funnier that way!