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This was my first half marathon. I enjoyed the music the buzz of tens of thousands of people all about to do a crazy long run. It was amazing seeing the sunrise over the city. I found the parking, shuttles at Tempe and food-court to be very easy to use. It seemed well planned for such a large event, just not enough bathrooms for the amount of people. The PA for the full marathon kept going in and out so it introduced the 2 star athletes but you couldn't hear their reason for being there or accomplishments. Bathrooms on the course were way too few and huge lines. I felt bad for those who needed them. I saw less than 10 at the first 2 stops for 12000 people. If you gotta go #2 on the course, too bad,... Take Imodium on race day I guess. Bands and support were fantastic, but this was my 1st time so can't compare.... GU gel is always on me, great to see them out there. The course is NOT flat having a 'heartbreak hill' in it at mile aprox. 9. UPS gear check bag split apart at a feather's touch the day before the race. Good thing, i was going to use it. The top of the seam isn't sealed so any slight pressure/tear will open the entire side. Ha ABOUT THE AUTHOR-INTERESTING BACKGROUND My first endeavor was a rolerblade marathon in tucson in 2004. I guess it's out of style now so no more skates. Used to do the New TImes 10k in phoenix every year too. GONE, sad. Last year I did the Tour de Phoenix 72 mile bike race on a 33lb. full suspension (no lockouts) mountain bike with slime in both tires and all my supplies on my bike and camelback... thought i was tough, 'till I tried running! Injuries were now a new thing now and it is much tougher per hour than biking, but about the same calorie burn... Still love both. I did a sprint triathlon recently too. We all know running is 'hard' you don't get extra calorie burn from impact stress but something about running and especially in this event captured my interest. On the way to the zoo last year i saw the half marathon pass by and said "I think i could do that NOW" boy was i wrong... it took me almost a year to train for this event, but what a worthwhile challenge. I did this as a run walk 3 min run 1 min walk. I learned from the Galloway training method that this method is not only easier but faster than trying to run straight through. .I am capable of the constant run for this time but it winds up being slower than when i take walk breaks. I tested this with a 10k distance. I was 7 minutes faster with a run walk than running straight through. look it up, may change your life too. I took 50 1 minute walk breaks and i did my time goal of aprox. 2:30 with 1 bathroom break.