Since this Starbucks is owned and operated by Treasure Island, they need to seriously burn this place down to the ground and build something more meaningful in it's place. Something like a blank wall, or a broken water faucet.
This is the worst Starbucks in all of Las Vegas. We went there twice during our stay at the Treasure Island. My girlfriend works at Starbucks so she does the ordering for me since I aways call the drinks out incorrectly. They ask her for her name and she says, "Mari. M. A. R. I." When the cup comes out it says "Mary." Okay, an "I" and a "Y" sound alike, no harm there. The second time she says, "Mari. M A. R. I." And when that cup came out it said "Marie."
Are you $%^&*$ kidding me. Where the hell did that last letter come from? So the employees can't spell. They can't make a decent cup of coffee either. And for the prices they charge you would assume that they could do either if not both. Also, none of them looked like they wanted to be there. While we waited forever for our drinks, one of the girls was leaning on the register tapping a pen heavily against the counter waiting for someone to order. Ridiculous.
I won't waste another minute writing this review. Burn it to the ground. Fire the employees.