friend from madison once brought back a bag of caramel corn for me. it was sweet, but addicting at the same time. then every time she went back i asked her to get me a "village size".
this time i went for myself, she brought me to the place so i could get as much as i liked. and it changed everything.
first off, they had many different kinds of flavors, and all at a sudden, i couldn't decide. i wished they would give samples, but either they don't do that in general, or they didn't offer it to me. the man behind the counter wasn't that friendly to begin with. we were standing in front of the racks for MINUTES, and never for once he cared enough to greet us or asked if we needed help. but he seemed quite annoyed that we stood there for so long, undecided, as there were a couple other customers who would just walk in, grab their bag, and go. sorry i'm being a tourist.
for that reason, i only got a couple of bags as "souvenirs", and that was my last time there. when i got home, i still opened the bag with anticipation, having had good memories from the past. but for some reason, they just weren't as crunchy and "aromous" as i last had it. oh well. not a loss.