Life has very few experiences that will bring you overwhelming joy. The birth of your children? Getting married? Landing your dream job? None of those will compare to the first time you have a double-double. The journey to get here will be long, arduous and bursting with mediocrity, but when you finally see that sign, a sense of relief washes over you as you've finally reached the illusive end.
The wait you're likely to encounter in the restaurant is but a minor inconvenience so savor the experience. Watch the staff behind the counter as they work in their matching white uniforms...the kid chopping potatoes for fries, the two guys putting the burgers together coolly with perfect efficiency and the helpful cashier leading everyone to their desired meal. When you get your food please take a minute to thank whichever deity you happen to worship that you're alive to enjoy what's about to happen.
The first bite will change you. Make you a better person. And makes a good reward for a life well lived.