Vape Distrct is not only a vape shop, but is a "lifestyle" type compound of sorts in the Liberace plaza. The Distrct is a collective of a dance studio, a barbershop, a tattoo parlour, a apparel shop, and a vape store.
They have the usual starter kits and some clones and mid priced mechanical mods and have a small area to drill attys. Juice they carry is DIY Flavor Shack, Shark Juice and I believe 1-2 brands more so not a whole lot in brands but carry a lot of flavors of each brand.
I checked out a few of their mechanical mods and the guy helping us was very helpful and nice. I don't doubt you can get good service here.
My bone to pick is while they want to have this unique compound it has to be done right that flows. When you walk in is the vape store with the dance studio to the right and the other stuff to the left/down the hallway. If you picture a office with a lobby and a receptionist, the vape store is basically where that is at. There were people standing right by the door and if I wanted to look at the side of the display to see the juices, I am standing in the hallway basically, blocking the way to the tattoo, barber shop, apparel stores. It was a tad loud. There was a class going on in the dance studio and the door is open. Someone was getting a tattoo and I can hear the buzz of the machines.
The guy helping us mentioned the office right behind him will be tore down to make more space for the vape shop. I think that will help it a lot to have more space to stand, and to add places to sit down and lounge.
It's not a bad store, there are elements that are positive, but I like peace and taking my time with finding juices and mods so a place that has a lot going on isn't my preferred type of shop. Will visit in the future once it expands.