I had an interesting challenge ahead of me: find a bar to take my down-and-out mama after a tough day. One thing you should know about my mom is that she almost never drinks, and she's a damn cheap drunk. So why not take her to an extra-super-hidden speakeasy with strong and fancy catered cocktails in a men's suit shop? Needless to say, she left absolutely jazzed with the place, three sheets to the wind, and buddies with the whole staff (after a couple drinks she decided to pull out the candies from her purse to share with the nice bartender). Aside from hilarious context, I also really loved this place.
The space isn't over-done, the staff is wonderful and spare you the snobbery (as you can imagine), it's sunny and tiny and really everything you'd imagine from a speakeasy in a men's clothing store. What I particularly love is the no-menu policy; the server asks you what you're feeling and the bartender prepares something on the spot. In my case I was able to tweak my drink after the first round. I will definitely definitely be back.