UPDATE: I want to note that the owner, Dennis, who posted his comment on my review, was genuinely concerned enough about my less than stellar experience to message me and offer me a complimentary pizza.
I thanked him for the follow up, but I declined. I don't want a free pizza.
I didn't pop in once, catch them on a bad day, then crucify them with a knee-jerk review. I had been there several times on various days and at various times before I came to my conclusion and wrote a review.
And my commentary speaks more to the entire concept than to the specific shortcoming of this particular chain or location. Other locations don't do it any better or worse...to their credit, I guess?
I don't want a free pizza. It won't change my mind.
I am not an unhappy customer-I just didn't like the food.
It happens.
I stand by with "Meh, I've experienced better"
Because I have.
But props to Dennis for understanding that you can't make everyone happy, but you should at least try. Real class act.
No matter what #1 Zagat, now part of the Google monolith, says.
Cause based on sales, Pizza Hut is #1, and you literally couldn't PAY ME enough to eat that...expletive deleted.