My companion and I have attended a lot of conferences in Vegas; big conferences that provide buffet breakfast for their thousands of attendees. The included breakfasts we've received at these convention-center steam tables are several times better than what we had here last Saturday.
We were looking for a place with much better reviews called "Sterling Buffet," which appeared from our phone maps to be somewhere inside Bally's (a hotel/casino I'm not familiar with). But no Bally's employees that we asked could direct us to this place. They pointed us to Buca. One pointed us to BLT Steakhouse. Several of the people we asked couldn't even speak English. What we should have done is entered the concourse to Paris Las Vegas and noshed at the creperie or nearby bakery. But we were dumb and impatient. Friends, don't make the same mistake we did. Turn around, and RUN, run I say, to the Paris concourse.
We waited in a fifteen-minute line to enter this den of suck, despite the fact that anyone could see from the line that the restaurant was barely 1/3 full. As we were waiting, the hostess announced that things would be buffet-only from here on out, no more ordering. No more waffle bar, no more omelets, no more cooked-to-order dishes. All right, whatever (yet another point at which we should have turned heels and run, but alas, we did not).
Multiple hostesses came and went, tapping things into the console at the hostess station, but not seating anyone. Maybe one party would get seated every five minutes. It's got to be really hard to find available tables when more than two-thirds of them are vacant, and it's a buffet, so the level of waitering required is minimal. How do places like this stay open?
When we got in there, for $13, you get your choice of liquidy, oily scrambled eggs, bacon crumbs floating in grease at the bottom of an empty stainless serving bowl, limp hashbrowns, two dried-out link sausages, limp French toast slices, a selection of fruit running the gamut from unripe honeydew to unripe cantaloupe cubes, and yogurt and cereal (with an empty pitcher of milk).
A waitress came over with two water glasses, one of which was cloudy at the bottom, as if still coated in dishwasher soap residue. We asked her to replace it; she did. When we were about halfway done glumly eating or shoving aside the truly gadawful prison fare that we'd salvaged from the buffet, our waiter finally bothered to come around asking if we'd like something to drink. For reasons I couldn't tell you, he brought two more waters, so we now had four water glasses on the table. Unlike any other breakfast buffet I've ever been to, including in Europe, coffee was an additional $2 charge. He brought two cups of it, though only one of us ordered it, and charged for the unused cup (he did remove it from the bill upon request).
The flatware was dirty and spotted; I scraped a tomato seed off my fork; the spoon was filthy and unusable. I asked for a replacement, but it never came. My companion's spoon was dirty, too, so I ended up just wiping down and using the spoon handle to stir my coffee.
This's where hope goes to die. Don't do it, folks.