If you go here, you're likely a desperate CMU student who's crunched for time and needs to crunch quickly in between classes and meetings and projects and all the other madness in between. And desperate restaurant goers - like desperate people in the love market, the day-before-Christmas market, and so on - don't have very high standards. And let's be real: Why would you have high standards when you're going to a place with the word "express" in its name?
And let's be real again: OE does deliver when it comes to express; it puts the express in OE. For good or bad, I've been to this place plenty of times, and I've made it a game to time how long it takes me to get my order as soon as I've placed the order. My record: 1 minute and 47 seconds. Some may be joyous about this time, others repulsed, and I think being both joyous and repulsed simultaneously is more or less what you'll actually be feeling when you enter, eat, and leave OE.
And maybe OE was able to put my food on the table so quickly because they already knew my order as soon as I walked through that pointless ten-square-foot vestibule that is the OE entrance: Yeung Chow Fried Rice. The Yeung Chow Fried Rice is likely your best bet - at $6.95 and two-meals-worth of fried rice (egg, peas, and carrots) with shrimp, chicken, and BBQ pork, it's the clear winner when it comes to filling your stomach tastily and cheaply.
To conclude: OE has WiFi. I'm not really sure why you would need WiFi when you're going to get your food in less than two minutes, but if you do, the password is (last time I checked) thedarkone. I have absolutely no idea why they made this the password, but there you go.