I love Black Creek Pioneer Village. It's a wonderful recreation of an verse village in pioneer times. I've been here several times with school trips, a wedding, and have also been here for an Irish music and culture festival.
Admission is not very expensive, and what you get is more than worth what you paid. The village is... Essentially just a collection of buildings, what you would expect, but all of the buildings are old, or built to look like pioneer aged buildings. You can walk around at your own leisure, or go on a tour if I recall correctly.
They show some old professions and past times that were done by people in pioneer days. A popular one is the bread making. The group goes into a house and a woman dressed in costume tells you a bit about what life was like 'in her day', and then you get to taste the bread she made in her old wood burning stove. There's also butter churning, wool carding, the blacksmith shop, a woman weaving at a loom, and more.
It's a great learning experience, and a great outing to take with the family.