I held out of the Cirque Hype for a while. I mean I didn't want it to be another "River Dance". You remember the "Dance" that swept the country like wild fire! It wasn't as cool as we all thought, and suddenly who even remembers the "Lord" right? Well, still going stong is the Cirque! So I thought I am going to check it out...! And on my last trip to Vegas, I finally started with the one that started it all...MYSTERE! Let me tell you, it's worth all the HYPE! Yup, I have to admit, I was completely entertained, amazed, laughter, and left in awe, when I walked out! I couldn't believe what the human body was capable of! I have to recomend this show! 5 Stars! See it, and you won't believe it, even after you seen it!!!