Absolutely criminal !
HonorHealth hierarchy are insisting that I collect my 95 year-old failing father from hospital stay ASAP---without medical equipment in home !!!!!
HonorHealth hierarchy have threatened to report me to Adult Protective Services --claiming that I am forbidding my father to return home.
Message to Honorhealth CEO: If you take these comments 'seriously,' you would fire ALL STAFF involved in above barbaric recommendation to send my virtually bedridden father home --- WITHOUT MEDICAL EQUIPMENT !!!!!
Today, 5th of April 2018, I was escorted out of this 'poor excuse' of a hospital.
Supervisor nurse 'Sandy,' had phoned security for trivial reason- vindictive to the utmost, resulting in my departure.Sandy is incompetent.
As of today, April 7th,refused ECCO cardiac report. My father has been removed from heart pill (carvedidol) without contact or correspondence from doctor.
Cover-ups rampant throughout Honorhealth Hospital (Shea).
Father was released from rehabilitation facility.(April 11th). Was informed that my father was removed from additional meds.
I am convinced that Honorhealth was beyond negligent.
Honorhealth is possibly guilty of a felony.
Attorney soon to be involved.
12rh of April, receptionist quite helpful.
However, executive, corporate offices continuing to ignore, avoid my phone calls.