Stopped in for the lunch special. I was going to get two slices and a drink, but one slice looked sufficient, so I went with that.
All the pizzas look like cheese pizza because the pepperoni and the sausage are buried miles below the cheese. You practically need a magnifying glass to see there's pepperoni in it.
Here's where the story ends: One bite, and the cheese/pepperoni came off all at once like a wet blanket, leaving only the tomato-sauce covered crust remaining. Um... okay.... so, buh-bye to that whole slice of pepperoni as I bought it and hello to a remaining piece of dough covered in tomato sauce. Yummy if I had a hangover and didn't care. Not so yummy if all I wanted was just a slice of pepperoni pizza. Is it too much to expect that cheese and pepperoni to remain on that slice of pizza until, oh, I don't know, I'm done eating it? Shouldn't some cheese and pepperoni remain on that slice for a second bite, and third bite, and a fourth bite, and a fifth bite, until I'm done eating it?
Taste-wise? Well, not sure how accurate my assessment would be as I had to chew it all up all at one so I didn't spit it out and then re-eat it (because that would be gross.) But I did taste a lot of cheese. And I could tell there was some garlic in it. Sorry I can't describe the taste with any more accuracy than that.
Peter Piper Pizza is better than this. Heck, even a frozen pizza is better than this. If I ever return, I will be sure to bring a knife and fork to be sure I don't lose that slice on the first bite.