Saw a Jay's Towing truck towing a few cars on the PA Turnkpike going westbound at 2:30 pm today. He was the most dangerous driver I've ever seen. He was speeding and tailgating in a heavily trafficked area while blaring on his horn. Throwing up arm gestures when obviously there was NO where for anyone to go. I almost called the police because I was certain this man would kill someone. I let him pass me to get the phone number on the side and when he saw me writing it down, he slammed on the brakes (almost causing ANOTHER accident) to stop me from getting the number. This was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Obviously, this driver couldn't care less about human lives let alone the 3-4 cars he was towing. He finally got off the Beaver Falls/Ellwood City exit thank God. This man should be absolutely ashamed of himself.