I can't think of where to start with Indian Springs. When we moved in I thought this was going to be a decent place to live. The area isn't the greatest considering it's Mesa, but that is easily looked past once we lived there for a year. Our apartment inside was dirty upon move in, and things were broken or damaged. I was told after filling out a sheet and writing 'need repaired' that it would be fixed. Well it's been a 13 months since that day and nothing was ever fixed. Our refrigerator was put together with parts that weren't even for the brand it was. So we called to have it fixed because nothing would stay cold and the doors wouldn't stay shut. A week later someone finally came to fix it. Shoutout to the maintenance guy that admitted it was shitty of the complex to supply this refrigerator for us. Our apartment complex office....Tasia is super sweet and never had problem with her. She is competent and knows how to be in custom service. Brenda is a rude old broad that never knows what is going on. When the office changed management I could never get the same answer on ANYTHING. No one knew policies, no one knew how to answer the phone and no one knew how to do their job and not be a complete idiot about it. They have this list of restricted dog breeds and guidelines saying that if your dog is aggressive, and reported to the office action will be taken. Well it was good to know that those rules meant literally nothing to the front office. Scooby is a lovely 120 lbs pitbull that lived next to us. It was great that every time we left the house and saw him he tried to attack us. Also attempted to kill my dogs more than once. I told the office more the once while living there and NOTHING was ever done. I have nothing against pitbulls. They're incredible dogs. But allowing your dog to attempt to attack other people and dogs is not acceptable. I cannot even count how many times I saw my neighbors selling drugs on the stairs. So their no drug, crime free environment is obviously working out really well. The week before we moved out, they attempted to stick us with a fine for taking our dogs out without a leash. First off, I would gladly bring up the receipt for my $30 leashes I have for my dogs and discuss how I am a good dog owner. Unlike most people that lived there. But yes, let's use the angry old lady that lives on the corner word that everyone in that area of the complex takes their dogs out without a leash. Show me EVIDENCE before you try saying I violated my lease. Now we can talk about how their landscapers damaged my car. They decided to take down a bunch trees once the complex was under new management. Fine, less pines trees is cool. That's less clean up. I get it. But I come out and the landscapers have stacked all of the branches right next to my car, touching the side of my car to the point where I couldn't even get in. Scratched my paint and windows. We sent pictures and attempted for 2 months to get a response from the office about the damage done to my car. And all we got was dodged and told we would get called back. Well... Guess what my car is still damaged and no one ever tried to make it right. So thanks for that Indian Springs. Now let's talk about how they're keeping our deposit and can't tell us where $300 of it went. It's good to know they can make money magically disappear and have no idea why we aren't getting it back. I hope that no one I know ever has to endure living here. It was the worst experience I've had living in a complex. When we went around looking for a new place, and got asked where we were living front offices giggled at the name Indian Springs. They are a joke amongst other complexes for how terrible they are. Maybe one day they will get it together and not suck as a home provider. Maybe they will actually attempt to be more intelligent when it comes to doing their job. I know this is just a review from yet another angry tenant. I'll get a run of mill response from the 'corporate' office. Nothing will change. My opinion probably won't matter. Why should it? I don't live there anymore and my problems, money and damage will never be returned or fixed. But here's to hoping someone reads this and thinks twice about signing a lease to the worst year of your life.