One of these days, in the not too distant future, people might say- "remember what West Mesa used to be like?"
And I'll say "Oh yeah.You mean all cracked and dry on the surface...but interesting and funky down in the creases?"
Yep. And Space Age Auto body is definitely one of those funky wrinkles. Admittedly, the average person has little use for auto body supplies in their lifetime, but Space Age offers alot more. They have the waxes and touch-up paints to keep your older ride looking airtight. They also carry all the weird clips and little trim items- Stuff you absolutely can't get anywhere else but online ( or in the "HELP!" packages at Autozone). It's all very well categorized and the selection is mind blowing.
But honestly, what they do best is just being cool. There is a vintage British motorcycle and a Ducati Monster perched on top of one of the aisles, a restored WWII tank engine just sitting on display, a vintage Dodge Charger "Funny Car" body hangs from the ceiling, and an original streamlined 3 wheeled car from the 1930's in pristine condition...and more.
It's kinda like the automotive version of your funky old pair of Chuck Taylors. Dig it!