This is the filthiest apartment I have ever seen and was expected to move my son into for his first year at ASU. There was a leak in the plumbing and black mold all over in the food pantry, furnace room and laundry room. The furnace filter was so filthy that there were dryer lint sheets that were stuck to the vent door, and dirt in and around all of the duct vents.
At first, the manager, Cory was very accommodating and tried to find my son and his roommate another unit to live in while they made the repairs to theirs, however when he ran out of options he put two guys in with a girl that had already been living their for a while and it was in just as bad of shape except it didn't have the mold.
We then asked what we needed to do to get out of the lease and that's when Cory's true colors shined through! He said, "go ahead and call your attorney or whatever you need to do, but we will not let you out of your lease or be giving any kind of concessions!"
In addition, when we signed the lease, we were told all of the new renovations would be complete with a new gym, roof top patio, computer/study area and office space, but when we arrived for check in, we were told it would be another three months!!
The nightmare continues.....
You can put a new dress and spray perfume on a pig, but at the end of the day, IT'S STILL A PIG!