Well, I finally cancelled my paper after 2 1/2 yrs of horrible service and terrible customer relations. I have had more trouble with missed papers, missing sections and inconsistent deliveries in 2 1/2 yrs here than I had in the previous 40 yrs back home with terrible snow, ice, and winter driving conditions. Each call to the paper resulted in everyone is "Sooooo Sorry" but none are sorry enought to fix the problems they have created. I missed one Sunday paper and when I called the carrier she brought me half a paper telling me they never sent her enough for all her customers, what a way to do business. I have always loved reading the actual newsprint rather than some online option but the Republic has ended those days. I know papers are dying out because of online services but then they add to their own demise. I will never endorse the Republic to anyone wanting to get news in the Valley, just ask the kids on the corner, they are better informed and probably easier to talk to.