I've had A LOT of Personal Trainers in my day and all of them have been extremely effective at producing results in me to help me better myself. Tonight, that was definitely taken to the next level at Chris Anthony Fitness. Most of my hang-ups lie with confidence and believing in myself that I can do something and accomplish whatever I put my mind to. While going through a 3-hour, yes that's correct a 3-hour workout this evening, I was to perform suicide drills. At one point, I was getting sloppy and Chris saw this. She got right up in my face and sternly said that I CAN DO THIS and you know what? She was right. I think a lot of my fear stems from comparison to others who can run faster, lift heavier, etc .One thing I have never encountered from a trainer is one who basically got all drill sergeant on me and let me have it and I loved it because it made me see how much of a baby I can be when it comes to things like this.
We all have limitations about ourselves and the beautiful truth about those limits is getting beyond them with a little help from people to guide you on your way. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to continue to work with Chris, not only as a client but also as an instructor and I am determined to do my damnest to prove to myself that I have it in me to take it to the next level,