This is the best Mexican restaurant in the 90 mile radius. I travel for business both in NC and to Mexico. Sometimes you find a gem in food and this is the place. The place is very basic with a laundry and tatto parlor next to it. When you enter the place is like being in Mexico and the food.
My favorite is the Molcajete , which is carne assada (beef), grill chicken, chorizo, grill oniion/jalepenos/nopales (cactus) with fresh hand made corn tortillas. It is advertise for two but I have taken four friends and we all were full.
Their fajitas are first rate. Thursday is $2 Mexican bottle beer day. They have an excellent salsa verde with chunks of avocado.
The only item I found to be so so was the michelada. I am use to a michelada that is your favorite beer, lime juice, magi juice, hot sauce and ice. They add tomato juice and I prefer the more traditional mix.