This is a veritable Disneyland for people who love useless crap like I do.
I made the mistake of walking in here one day, thinking that it was just another multi-purpose Dollarama-esque store, but boy was I wrong. This place literally has everything one would want for their kitchen or restaurant, and a whole lot of what you don't need, but will probably buy anyway.
I mean, do you really need a package of 100 appetizer picks hand cut into your choice of little umbrellas, seahorses or violins for $2.99?
Of course you don't, but you know what? That shit is hella cute, so into your basket they go.
Truth is, I can spend hours in here filing through everything they have. Given the chance, I would absolutely love to spend a night in here and probably could by setting up a bed in the gargantuan 100 serving wok in the corner of the store (which by the by is available at the low, low price of $179 in case anyone is interested)
Best. Place. Ever.