I came to this store to look for quality sunglass frames for a prescription, and lenses as well. Almost as soon as I walked in the door, I was warmly greeted by Maureen, as Stephen was with another customer. She asked me what I was looking for, and as she flitted about the small store packed full of many frames to choose from, we discussed my preferences while she picked out frames for me to try on. It was fun, but also disappointing that some of the frames I liked wouldn't fit with my Rx. But I really appreciated that she gave me feedback on what would work with my Rx and what would or would not look good on my face. Later, Stephen was free and helped out as well.
In the end, I was almost going to buy a pair, but Stephen's honesty in discovering that my current sunglasses were polarized (he thought they were not) made me rethink my order, and adding polarization wound up putting it above my price range.
However, I would highly recommend Eye-magination for personal, caring service second-to-none, an excellent selection of frames, and access to either external or in-house lens makers. The only ding I have is on value: I realize personal service and more boutique frames cost more, but the whole package became too expensive. If your eyeware needs are less demanding, the pricing should work out better.