This school is amazing, amazingly bad. They have no concept of the real world. They are 100% inflexible on their policies across the board. Most businesses and schools give administrators and staff discretion to be flexible, they do not. This is the first school I have been required to pay money for mandates. In other districts there are fees for electives and things you choose to do but they charge you for core classes. If you miss a credit they charge you to recover the credit. This double dipping is insane. This is not a private school it is a state funded public school. You must attend or face the consequences of truancy. To attend you must pay. I think the term for this is extortion.
Today my son was 2 minutes late it is raining and I have a baby. I call in to the office where they tell me I can bring my baby in the rain OR he can spend the hour in detention. Yup all those fees paid for him to stare at the wall because policies do not account for weather or real life. I got transferred to the principal and after 5 minutes he said they will see "if they can catch him and send him to class" but instead of ending the conversation he has to show that he has still won by getting snarky on the phone and stepping up the professionalism. It is nice that the administration is more concerned with winning and their policies than my child's education. In the real world things happen. I would love to live in this perfect nirvana where absolutes work but I do not. Now that I think about it they probably have these inflexible policies to encourage the kids to fail so they can collect their credit recovery fees. I just wonder who's pockets are getting filled from these fees.