Not a very sanitary place. Now my calluses were bad I had not got a pedicure in 3 mths. The girl pulled sanders out of the drawers and just threw them back in the drawers. After she scrubbed my calluses she threw the sander back in the drawer. Nothing looks to be sanitized. I'm a little worried. I am assuming I got the basic pedicure because the gal never asked me what kind of pedicure I wanted I better get charged for the basic. She used the rock on only the bottom of my feet. She did rub my legs but only briefly. It seems the north side has the worst nail salons. I'll be back to my beloved TLC nails the place there is sanitary and they talk to you. This place was below average in my book. Not a place I'd care to come back to. I like the places that have the grater looking sanders they don't hurt and can be sanitized.