"To him who has nothing it is forbidden not to relish filth."
alright, so i'm off transit because turnstiles make me nervous, not in a life is a traffic jam, 'down with turnstiles' hippie sort of way, but i'm actually too incompetent to operate a turnstile and no longer trust myself not making a complete ass/ fool of myself while some transit lady (bless her, she's trying) shouts out instructions that i don't understand, and i end up feeling like an infant/subterranean homesick alien.
i could never perform two tasks at once, and i haven't had much experience with modern technology, coming from a city that was previously stile -free (unfortunately, style free as well), and so i can't insert the card (then grab the card) and turn the stile all at once, i'm always too late..
or at least i'm 0 for 3 since getting here, which is enough of a sample size for me, along with my neurosis, to walk everywhere for the rest of my life.