Best dog trainer of all time! Getting Anton and Lorenzo's Dog Training Team was the best decision I've ever made concerning my dog. Anton started by training me as the owner, which was key to the entire process, and has helped me stick to the training to this day (almost 3 years later). My dog, Mobi, is a super hyper Golden Doodle and he definitely likes to press the limits on what he can get away with. Without the training Anton provided I can't imagine what my life would be like. I started training him right when I got him as a puppy, worked with him 1-2 times a day for 10-15 minutes as prescribed, and he is the dog I always dreamed of having. Not only can he sit, lay down, stay, come on command, and walk in heel position perfectly, but he can do a bunch of other cool stuff as well. He can pick up almost any object off the ground and bring it to me, hold on to his own leash, and we're working on getting me bottles of water out of the fridge on command. Mobi loves getting trained for new things, and I continue to push him which he enjoys immensely. This is all accredited to Anton Yablonsky.
If you want the dog of your dreams that behaves & listens then Anton from Lorenzo's Dog Training Team is the way to go. It's worth every dollar invested and it's definitely worth the 20 minutes a day it takes to work with your dog.