TNT - Scott Freymuller
TNT MMA provides an environment for a true test of oneself. There are no embellishments on skill, no bragging on past accomplishments, no disrespect. This organization, coaches and membership embody truth, hard work, mental toughness and respect for your fellow competitor. The lessons learned relate to everyday life, they relate to business and personal relationships. Like most martial arts there is a philosophy of well being, the environment at TNT provides an opportunity to discover what that means for each individual. I have been training at TNT for over 4 years and have finally learned to "Relax" the mental calmness and humility knowing that defeat is imminent but the reward is priceless, that respect is earned and the benefit is confidence, patience is a tool that embodies success and anger is a form of control that will lead to failure. The philosophy, leadership and coaching have been life changing for me and I'm sure for many others - Thank you to TNT MMA and the leadership, focus and knowledge provided by Scott Tannenbaum.