The worst of the worst. One of the lowest rung Walmarts.
As at most horrid places, some employees are nice and do their best...
... but mostly, this is an extra incompetent Wal-Mart. Too many rude people that don't know what they're doing.
The entire store reeks of something like sour milk. The store is literally going bad. Literally!
How can they not notice this, and do something about this?
Computer systems and credit card machines are not maintained. They demagnetized one of my brand new cards. On the one machine that is better maintained, my credit cards do not like to run here due to this being an extra fraud prone location.
Strict no photos policy, so there's no proof of their horridness.
What's funny is that I actually got stopped taking a phone pic of their well priced, organic green onions. A picture I was taking in an attempt to show & say something good. That's how upside down this location is. They foul up even attempts to say something positive!
Grouchy, valueless, backwards priority holding bastards. This always starts at the top, so my recommendation is that the managers should be let go.
In short, best if avoided.
There's better Walmarts and Targets around. For some purchases, you are honestly better off going to Alibaba or AliExpress. It's not like WM adds anything positive to the Made in China buying experience.
Walmart is literally just a retail face of Alibaba. Huge markups for little to no service, and the very real risk of catching a bad disease with the type of hygiene practiced at this unusually foul location.